Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Email from Joe to Timothy -- I'LL BE BACK! (and reply from Kai Ming)

Yes, its really too long. 45 years ago when I left Taipo for Kowloon, I have not seen anyone of you except I pumped into Stanley in Vancouver in the 80s. That brought the chances of meeting w/ Au wing-yee, Lee ka-cheung, Tang wing-on and a few others.

It just like hitting the memory button recalling the images/memories of the good old days in TPS; math and English class with Mr. Ma, PT class with Mr.Wai hon-leung, woodwork class with Mr.Chung, Music class with Mr. Leung, the unique cotton tree, the dusty football field, the school building, and other activities such as school picnics, running like a mad ass during recess, throwing stones along the railway track, catching grasshopper on the hill behind the school building. That was the greatest moment of my childhood.

I surf the tps site everyday. I know, I admire and I envy every activity you guys had. That triggers my intention of joining the party. I don't know exactly when I'll be back, but one thing I'm certain: I'LL BE BACK, and give everybody a big hug.

Taking this opportunity, I wish everybody a merry Christams and a happy NEW YEAR.

Joe Cheung


I was lucky Headmaster Hsu carried me back to Fanling after the show since he was lived at Fanling too. That why I always respect him to take care the poor child like me. The military show was great at that time and think it was nothing special today. Different age with different thinking. I do remember the first hand made X/mas card I received from Alex when I took the P3. The friendship is priceless n is it possible for him to send me another hand made one after 49 years? We all just like the white head imperial female staff saying the history.

Kai Ming

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