Thursday, August 02, 2007

Lee Lung San 2

Pak Suen

Yes, that was the Lung Tsai you vividly described. He lived in Nam Hang and used to go to school with another classmate whose name I forgot.

What I still remember was the incident in which he was detained by the supervisor of the Tai Po train station. Jumping on and off of the slow-moving train leaving the station was an exciting and fun activity before our tutorial class. He was caught once and was tied to the chair in the station office as a kind of punishment.

He was at Lau Oi Mei’s funeral sitting next to me. He talked quite a lot about his medical treatment and I had the impression that he was recovering well. As you said, our quiet boy Lung Tsai had become talkative.

We will be having dinner with Raymond this Saturday. Pik Har is coming back next month. Do you have any plan of seeing us here?

Stephen Tang

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