Friday, June 14, 2019

2019-05-11 Lunch Gathering in Shatin with Ma Sir

Dear All,

We had a gathering on 11 May 2019(Saturday). Soon all of us are seated in Lei Yuen Restaurant in Shatin. Ten of us present, including Ma Sir. Others present are NN, Kakoo, Koon Tai, Tomson, Ralph, Stephen, Alianna, Siu Ling & Woon Yee.

Ma Sir has not joined our gathering for some time. When he comes,we find him a fit fellow, even looking better than us. We can then ease our mind. Still we ask how Ma Sir is keeping the health so well. We learned many things from Ma Sir before, and we don't miss the chance to learn again. Ma Sir said it is easy as he just keeps doing a fast-walking exercise on a running machine(跑步機).Sometimes in the club house, now with a small auxillary one in the house, bought from Osim. But nothing is more important than setting the machine with an elevation of 15 degree. This helps strengthen the backbone.

We continued our chattering and the eating. Alianna said she was studying in Tsung Tsin Secondary School(崇真中學) after TPS, and noticed that a few of our classmates were also in Tsung Tsin. NN said 萬里程, 孫西霖 & 連潤妹 were in Tsung Tsin. Koon Tai was also in Tsung Tsin. NN went on saying that Koon Tai has written a Poem of the Autumn River and give to連潤妹. He then recited the poem to us. We are hearing and can see Koon Tai showing a deep feeling of self content, and keeping a smiling face all the way. With some surprise, Alianna wondered why she never saw Koon Tai in School and why without any connection to her. If you have ever seen a traditional show of the Chinese Changing Face, you will know how quick a face can be changed. Imitating to be serious, Koon Tai has to explain that as he studied one more year there, his relationship to her is already clear cut and she can find him no more in school. We all laughed at his humour.

Some of our classmates has been lost contact, NN said. 陳火貴 has once joined back to us, but then lost contact, as he opted so.Same as 李國榮(Alex Lee), he opted to leave our forum. Woon yee said this is curious, as Alex has been so eager to join back to us. Is it because some of us cannot remember him when he came back to us?  No, though he did not study P6, this should not be any problem. NN said maybe in a few cases he cannot join Alex's invitations, because of busy. Still we cannot understand, and let Alex decide his option. NN said we also missed 陳忠信(Alex Chan).He has responded & contributed to our raising education fund for Sau Wah's daughters. But then he kept himself invisible again. We hope he is going well. We talked about Sau Wah & Mice as well, hoping they are getting on well.

KaKoo said some of us joined TPS after P2, but he joined after P3. Ralph said also joined after P3, as it was said that if you are not in the top 10 in your school, you will not have the chance to sit the TPS entrance examination. Alianna said when she was sitting that exam, her grandfather told her to sit well, and after the exam she will have a cone of ice-cream. Stephen said he met a friend who just put down the name & go away. Ralph said maybe the exam is not so difficult so we all can sit here now. Woon Yee said you just put the thing the other way round. It was because we all passed that exam and those not passed were not sitting here. Stephen said TPS welfare is very good and has eye inspection for students. When the inspection slip came, those with the slip could immediately quit the lesson and  went to Sai Yee Street(洗衣街)for the checking. Ralph said the teeth inspection also. Each time quite a number of us quitted the lessons and went to digging of the teeth.

Time passed easy, Stephen has to go, as he has booked a practice of the Ping Pong. NN said why not we go together, and we then took a group photo before we searched for the afternoon.


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