Friday, July 03, 2009

Email from Mr. Ma summarizing a 40-year history

Dear All,

I can still remember the phone call I first received from Cheng Kai Ming years back ( likely in the 80's ) to tell that there was a TPS64 gathering and ask if I would like to join. In this way I got back to line. Thereafter phone calls of similar nature from Sau Wah, Stephen and Tomson followed. And I take this opportunity, in response to Nainai's email below, to thank them all.

I was 24 when you were about 12 in 6A. Being your senior by about 12 years, I'm in a position to further stress to you that you should make hay while the sun still shines high. Though too much an old saying, it's very true. My sun is getting much lower because of the 12 years span. I can now feel clearer than anytime before that the decline in physique can actually be measured by year, ie, last year I could do this, but this year not any more. In 1999 when I first retired and visited Vancouver, I chose to walk, together with my wife, all the way from the UBC campus to Yale town where I stayed, just to get a better feel of the beautiful city. It was at least a 3-hour walk. If at that time I knew that Au Wing Yee worked in UBC I would certainly have gone up to her to say hello ( I told her this in our subsequent email exchanges ). But now 10 years later while I could still do the 3-hour walk I don't think I could stand the long flight. Likewise, much as I would have wished to revisit LA where I had stayed for 3 months to do a project in 1981, 28 years back, the opportunity is now lost to me due to physical limitations. Despite that Alexander had so kindly offered to be the LA host. And I wish to thank him here again for being so nice to me. His English teacher for only 1 year in his 5A. All this is to echo Nai nai's point of seeing more of each other when you can. And go places when you can.

Knowing the value of good health, I now exercise for 2 hours a day on average. Comprising swimming, brisk walking, and general body moving exercises. These activities, plus the needed cleaning up and reading newspapers after breakfast already take up 1/2 a day. There then leaves only 1/2 a day for other pursuits. And so a retirement life can also be very busy. And not unmeaningful. As there is an aim, which is to keep as fit as possible.

Thanks to Nainai's and Alexander's special mention of me in association with the Aug/Sept gathering. Much appreciated. I'll try my best.

Best wishes to you all.


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Alexander Lee's Transcript

Through this little piece of paper, Alexander parted ways with us. He went to St. Joseph and didn’t see the TPS folks for the next 40 over years.

You don’t see some of the subjects in schools anymore but they bring back a lot of memories.
(Click on the image to enlarge.)

Vancouver Visit June 28, 2009

Dear All,
I've gone through 2 security and document checks at Vancouver, one at the airport and the other at Delicious Cousine where our meeting took place. Both passed without a scare.
Happy is an understatement to describe my feelings to see Stanely and Wing Yee after all these years. After the initial hesitation, ice starting to melt and we settle down for a nice chat and delicious dinner. I will have a problem to respond if you ask me how was the food as I really did not pay enough attention to the meat and fish that Wing Yee ordered. I was too excited to notice and there's a big possiblity that I might had swallowed a fish bone or two.
After the dinner, Stanely was nice enough to invite us to his newly remodel home for coffee and Joe Cheung was being summoned to join us after his soccer game. As we were waiting for Joe, Stanely impressed all of us by his amazing memory. He recalls all the details as names were thrown at him. He even remember the name of my childhood sweetheart and the fact that I lived somewhere in 廣福道.
Joe finally show up and was discovered that my St.Joseph classmate played soccer with him in the over 50 years old league. I have to thank Joe for giving me a ride home later that night. We took some pictures and were attached here and Stephen mostlikely will post them on our blog. I enjoy every single minute of this Vancouver gathering and looking forward to meet more TPS classmates come September in Hong Kong.
Alexander 李國榮

Dear Alex

Thank you for coming all the way from LA to our mini TPS reunion at Vancouver.

It was so nice to see someone who has disappeared for over 40 years and suddenly emerged in front of you especially someone of your size.

Your second document check at the restaurant did ease off our classmates' doubt in a way. You produced a transcript from TPS issued when you moved out to St. Joeph.

For all classmates info, Alex was in 3B, 4B and 5A and the teachers were Mr. Yeung Yuen-ning, Mrs Chung Wong Wan-wah, and Mr Cigarette- Ash CHAN. Alex, please scan this transcript to our TPS Blog at your earliest convenience.

We shall see each other again in early September in HK.

