Monday, March 16, 2009
Wedding of Tomson's daughter, Yvonne
Dear All ,
I am very excited to announce that my daughter Yvonne has just got married last Saturaday and I am extremely proud of myself being accredited the title of " father-in-law". To let you share with my joy, please use the link below to tour through the pictures capturing some of the happy moments.,_2009.html
I would also express my sincere thanks to the kind participation of some of you to the dinner party and was terribly sorry that my wife & I could not spend sufficient time & attention to you all. I also apologize that not all TPS classmates could be invited due to limited seats available. For compensation, I hope to invite you " Yum Cha" in near future.
Let's look forward to the next happy occasion within TPS family, probably it's the turn for Ralph to be the great " Lo Yei " in July !
I am very excited to announce that my daughter Yvonne has just got married last Saturaday and I am extremely proud of myself being accredited the title of " father-in-law". To let you share with my joy, please use the link below to tour through the pictures capturing some of the happy moments.,_2009.html
I would also express my sincere thanks to the kind participation of some of you to the dinner party and was terribly sorry that my wife & I could not spend sufficient time & attention to you all. I also apologize that not all TPS classmates could be invited due to limited seats available. For compensation, I hope to invite you " Yum Cha" in near future.
Let's look forward to the next happy occasion within TPS family, probably it's the turn for Ralph to be the great " Lo Yei " in July !
Congratulations !
Kind Regards
Dear All ,
Thank you all for your kind compliments on my daughter's wedding and I try to respond to some of answers raised:
Kai Ming, Yeung Ka Sing was in the party because both my daughter & son-in-law worked as the management trainees in Town Gas Co. after they came back from UK. Yes, I am also looking forward to "Moon Yuet" party but not likely soon, youngsters have different sets of values nowadays.
Koon Yan, I missed your smiling face too in the party; how wonderful if you could join! For sure, all parents nowadays have their jobs done well, always more than enough.
Ralph, you will also be crowned as big "lo yei" soon; I already discovered the kind of sweetness emerged in the way you talked & smiled.
Raymond, no need to apologize; your heart is in mine. no need to envy me, you will have your big day not so far away!
Mee, both Mariae & I really missed you & Deedo in our party; when will you be back to HK to have a re-union with all "ching mui chuk ma" TPS classmates? Yvonne is almost 30 now and if further delay in marriage, she will soon become a "lo goo por". I always believed I was strong enough to ride the emotion and I was okay all the days leading to the wedding. On Sunday morning, the next day after the marriage, I just could not hold the tears in my eyes when I passed by Yvonne's room which was of course empty; Mariae also burst into tears. After all, we are just the normal parents and kids are your "bone & flesh" that you want to keep in your custody always, Ha Ha !
For those joining the party, I attached the photos we took together and hope you like them. Once again, thank you all for the nice words.
Kind Regards
Thank you all for your kind compliments on my daughter's wedding and I try to respond to some of answers raised:
Kai Ming, Yeung Ka Sing was in the party because both my daughter & son-in-law worked as the management trainees in Town Gas Co. after they came back from UK. Yes, I am also looking forward to "Moon Yuet" party but not likely soon, youngsters have different sets of values nowadays.
Koon Yan, I missed your smiling face too in the party; how wonderful if you could join! For sure, all parents nowadays have their jobs done well, always more than enough.
Ralph, you will also be crowned as big "lo yei" soon; I already discovered the kind of sweetness emerged in the way you talked & smiled.
Raymond, no need to apologize; your heart is in mine. no need to envy me, you will have your big day not so far away!
Mee, both Mariae & I really missed you & Deedo in our party; when will you be back to HK to have a re-union with all "ching mui chuk ma" TPS classmates? Yvonne is almost 30 now and if further delay in marriage, she will soon become a "lo goo por". I always believed I was strong enough to ride the emotion and I was okay all the days leading to the wedding. On Sunday morning, the next day after the marriage, I just could not hold the tears in my eyes when I passed by Yvonne's room which was of course empty; Mariae also burst into tears. After all, we are just the normal parents and kids are your "bone & flesh" that you want to keep in your custody always, Ha Ha !
For those joining the party, I attached the photos we took together and hope you like them. Once again, thank you all for the nice words.
Kind Regards
Dinner for Pak Suen in 2005 during her return to HK
Dear Pak ,
Thank you very much for your kind compliments. Indeed, we need more happy events to off set the cloudy days at the moments. Ralph will also do a good job to cheer us up soon! By the way, your last return to HK was many years ago (2005) and we had a nice gathering in Tsim Sha Tsui. It's more or less the right timing to have you back in HK again, okay?
Tin Sung
Thank you very much for your kind compliments. Indeed, we need more happy events to off set the cloudy days at the moments. Ralph will also do a good job to cheer us up soon! By the way, your last return to HK was many years ago (2005) and we had a nice gathering in Tsim Sha Tsui. It's more or less the right timing to have you back in HK again, okay?
Tin Sung
鍾譚芳, 黎碧玉, 古敬華, 方兆麟, 溫玉蘭, 黃開平, 廖浩波, 李長有, 董潔文。譚美梨, Rosita Tam, 黃瑋, Grace Wong, 郭傑華, 簡耀雄, 簡振雄, 張嘉猶, 李萬雲, 陳火貴, 許玉華, 鍾素秋, 鍾隸湘, 連潤妹,蔡梅.
鍾譚芳, 黎碧玉, 古敬華, 方兆麟, 溫玉蘭, 黃開平, 廖浩波, 李長有, 董潔文。譚美梨, Rosita Tam, 黃瑋, Grace Wong, 郭傑華, 簡耀雄, 簡振雄, 張嘉猶, 李萬雲, 陳火貴, 許玉華, 鍾素秋, 鍾隸湘, 連潤妹,蔡梅.
大埔官立小學校友會 2009 通訊
Clause 14 及 Clause 15: 執委人數由 11人改為 7 人。
Clause 23 : 執委會法定人數由不少於7 人改為 4人。
Clause 59: 由於大會在六月或7月舉行, 財務截止日期由 每年之6月30日為 每年之4月30日。
Chau Kam Sang
周金生 (主席)
Lau Chi Keung
柳志強 (副主席)
Mok Kwai Sang
莫桂生 (義務秘書)
Li Shai Hung
李世雄 (義務司庫)
Chan Kung Pak
陳拱柏 (康樂)
Lau Yung Sau
Lee Tat Hong
校友會成立己有二年, 過去一年聯絡畢業校友, 增進校友間之聯系工作。目前已有五百二十多人為會員, 此工作仍需大力推廣, 更需要一班在社會工作中之校友參加執委會工作, 發展會務 。
為了減少行政工作, 校友會只設入會費, 不設年費, 校友會一切開支由在社會工作之校友捐助補貼。過去一年校友會由校友捐款中撥出港幣二千元給母校作獎學金之用, 並在2008年6月28日畢業禮中發放。校友會亦已在2009年2月捐助二千元贊助母校舉辦之粵北文化交流團。
如果校友能能夠捐助, 校友會將每年發放獎學金, 長遠目標為設立一個基金, 用基金利息作獎學金。在此呼籲校友捐助 或用私人名譽在母校設立獎學金, 獎勵後輩,協助母校發展。校友如能捐款協助, 可和母校或校友會委員聯絡或直接存入本會戶口
中國銀行(香港) 有限公司
Tai Po Government Primary School Alumni Association Ltd
給校友會的支票抬頭必須用 大埔官立小學校友會有限公司
在過去, 大埔官立小學除提供學位給大埔區之學童外, 並接收上水、粉嶺、沙頭角、沙田及九龍區之學童, 六十年來春風化雨, 畢業生在社會有不少成就, 部份已退休, 安享晚年。相信校友都會熱力支持校友會, 回饋母校。
母校1946年創校, 在大埔租用民房為校舍(四個課室), 1952年在大埔運頭角建獨立校舍 (共有8個課室), 1999年遷往大埔太和路現新形校舍, 在運頭角之校舍已由政府改作其他用途, 不會隨便開放。各屆畢業生都會自行舉行聚會, 如果校友希望參觀運頭角之原校舍一遊或聚會, 可和母校或和校友會聯絡, 和現機構安排。
2008年3月1日在母校舉行之第一次校友日, 超過二百校友參加, 多人參加隊際籃球比賽、個人羽毛球比賽、個人乒乓球比賽 和個人立定投籃比賽, 活動非常成功。第二次校友日將於2009年5月9日舉行,請留意 校友會發出之通訊 或母校網頁。
(校友會 email address : )
Clause 14 及 Clause 15: 執委人數由 11人改為 7 人。
Clause 23 : 執委會法定人數由不少於7 人改為 4人。
Clause 59: 由於大會在六月或7月舉行, 財務截止日期由 每年之6月30日為 每年之4月30日。
Chau Kam Sang
周金生 (主席)
Lau Chi Keung
柳志強 (副主席)
Mok Kwai Sang
莫桂生 (義務秘書)
Li Shai Hung
李世雄 (義務司庫)
Chan Kung Pak
陳拱柏 (康樂)
Lau Yung Sau
Lee Tat Hong
校友會成立己有二年, 過去一年聯絡畢業校友, 增進校友間之聯系工作。目前已有五百二十多人為會員, 此工作仍需大力推廣, 更需要一班在社會工作中之校友參加執委會工作, 發展會務 。
為了減少行政工作, 校友會只設入會費, 不設年費, 校友會一切開支由在社會工作之校友捐助補貼。過去一年校友會由校友捐款中撥出港幣二千元給母校作獎學金之用, 並在2008年6月28日畢業禮中發放。校友會亦已在2009年2月捐助二千元贊助母校舉辦之粵北文化交流團。
如果校友能能夠捐助, 校友會將每年發放獎學金, 長遠目標為設立一個基金, 用基金利息作獎學金。在此呼籲校友捐助 或用私人名譽在母校設立獎學金, 獎勵後輩,協助母校發展。校友如能捐款協助, 可和母校或校友會委員聯絡或直接存入本會戶口
中國銀行(香港) 有限公司
Tai Po Government Primary School Alumni Association Ltd
給校友會的支票抬頭必須用 大埔官立小學校友會有限公司
在過去, 大埔官立小學除提供學位給大埔區之學童外, 並接收上水、粉嶺、沙頭角、沙田及九龍區之學童, 六十年來春風化雨, 畢業生在社會有不少成就, 部份已退休, 安享晚年。相信校友都會熱力支持校友會, 回饋母校。
母校1946年創校, 在大埔租用民房為校舍(四個課室), 1952年在大埔運頭角建獨立校舍 (共有8個課室), 1999年遷往大埔太和路現新形校舍, 在運頭角之校舍已由政府改作其他用途, 不會隨便開放。各屆畢業生都會自行舉行聚會, 如果校友希望參觀運頭角之原校舍一遊或聚會, 可和母校或和校友會聯絡, 和現機構安排。
2008年3月1日在母校舉行之第一次校友日, 超過二百校友參加, 多人參加隊際籃球比賽、個人羽毛球比賽、個人乒乓球比賽 和個人立定投籃比賽, 活動非常成功。第二次校友日將於2009年5月9日舉行,請留意 校友會發出之通訊 或母校網頁。
(校友會 email address : )
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