Thanks and lot of thanks for bringing the song as well as the sweet memories of the good old days in Taipo. To be honest with you guys, the day I had to move out to Kowloon with my family, I did shed a tear and left Kam Shan Village with red eyes. Red river valley was the song that reflects my sole feeling towards Taipo mkt and TPS. A quarter of a century later, god helped me by bumping into Nai'nai in Vancouver. We are now all connected again. It doesn't border me if Taipo had changed, the old school building had changed. Those good old days, beautiful scenes, happy times, and miserable moments just happen to be in a fast forwards mode going through my mind. They can't be washed away, by any means. Any more songs that we might have missed? Bring it up, please.
Stephen, I did not have the luxuary to go camping this summer as my kids are all working and couldn't arrange a longer holiday for camping together. But I did manage to spend a couple of days by the lake in the mountain. Fished for a little while, just to unwind myself. Hunting season will end in December. I am trying to steal a few days to go out there and try my luck.
Red River Valley:
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
大埔官立小學校友日 圖片
本會執委會決定在母校大埔官立小學舉行校友日Home Coming Day。
校友日給校友一個機會回母校參觀, 讓校友知道母校的近況及進展、歡聚和懷念往昔校園生活。部份校友更可攜同家人回母校過一個有意義的週末。
該日安排了隊際籃球比賽、個人羽毛球比賽、個人乒乓球比賽、個人立定投籃比賽項目, 讓校友彼此間增加認識。
現呼籲校友出席校友日及參加各項比賽, 詳情如下:
日 期: 2008年3月1日(星期六)
時 間: 下午二時至四時三十分
地 點: 大埔官立小學 香港大埔太和路 8 號
報名比賽截止日期: 2008年2月16 日
參 加 辦 法: 填上下列表格, 寄回大埔官立小學或用電郵把資料通知執委會。
費 用: 全免
本會執委會決定在母校大埔官立小學舉行校友日Home Coming Day。
校友日給校友一個機會回母校參觀, 讓校友知道母校的近況及進展、歡聚和懷念往昔校園生活。部份校友更可攜同家人回母校過一個有意義的週末。
該日安排了隊際籃球比賽、個人羽毛球比賽、個人乒乓球比賽、個人立定投籃比賽項目, 讓校友彼此間增加認識。
現呼籲校友出席校友日及參加各項比賽, 詳情如下:
日 期: 2008年3月1日(星期六)
時 間: 下午二時至四時三十分
地 點: 大埔官立小學 香港大埔太和路 8 號
報名比賽截止日期: 2008年2月16 日
參 加 辦 法: 填上下列表格, 寄回大埔官立小學或用電郵把資料通知執委會。
費 用: 全免
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